IPEN International Pollutants Elimination Network

Danone Drops Controversial Plastic Credits Certification Scheme in Indonesia

Local community groups and international experts criticised the French food company’s project for its toxic operations and failure to contribute meaningfully to resolving plastic pollution. Denpasar, Indonesia, 12 December 2024…

IPEN INC-5 Closing Statement

December 1, 2024 My name is Aileen Lucero and I am representing IPEN, the International Pollutants Elimination Network. We bring voices to these negotiations from our network of more than…

Refuse Derived Fuel: The Hidden, Hazardous Plastic Waste Trade 

As delegates prepare to meet in Busan, Korea next week to hammer out a Plastics Treaty to address the global plastic pollution crisis, IPEN and its participating organizations have developed…

IPEN and the Plastics Treaty Process

IPEN has worked to expose the health and environmental threats from plastics, with a focus on toxic chemicals throughout the plastics life cycle, for at least two decades. During this…

World policymakers trudge tough road at fourth UN plastics meeting

The world is trying to figure out how to deal with the over 350 million metric tons of plastic waste we create every year. Scientists know that microplastics and chemicals…

Trash and plastic waste with icebergs
Human Rights, Health, and Lands of Arctic Peoples Endangered by Plastics, Petrochemicals and Climate Change

With the Arctic warming nearly four times faster than the rest of the world, Native voices speak out on threats to the Arctic posed by plastic and toxic chemicals. Report…

A robust Plastics Treaty is needed to protect global health

by Dr. Tadesse Amara, IPEN Last year, 175 nations agreed to develop a legally binding agreement to tackle plastic pollution. One year from now, these countries will conclude negotiations for…

What Happened at the Plastics Treaty INC-3

This is a brief summary of the outcomes of the Third Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. The third session of the Intergovernmental…

Plastics prove tough target for circular treatment

Today’s enlightened consumers may shun plastic straws and avoid plastic bags — indeed, legislators give them no choice in many jurisdictions — but they are swimming against a mighty tide.…

Time is Running Out to Avert Plastics Catastrophe as Global Treaty Negotiations Reach Stalemate

The third round of international negotiations over a global plastics treaty has ended in a stalemate, leaving nations no closer to an agreement to stem the tide of plastic pollution…